Why Psychological Safety Matters

In a psychologically safe environment, innovation flourishes, creativity soars, and individuals and teams reach their full potential. Psychological safety is the cornerstone of individual and organizational success. It's the key to fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels valued, heard, and confident expressing their ideas and themselves--without fear of judgment or repercussion.

Psychological safety is also a prerequisite for diversity, equity, and inclusion work. Without psychological safety, individuals are less likely to express their true identities, address inequities in the team and the workplace, and feel like they can meaningfully contribute to the organization's mission and goals.

Why Choose This Course?

This course is for you if you are ready to create a healthy, balanced, high-performing, and psychologically safe culture on your team.

  • Increase Innovation and Creativity

  • Improve Trust in Leadership

  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety

  • Embrace Constructive Conflict

Course Curriculum

This course includes six resource-packed modules.

    1. IL1: Welcome!

    2. IL2: Why We Created this Course

    3. IL3: Course Overview

    4. IL4: Learning with Intention

    1. M1L1: Module Intro

    2. M1L2: Defining Psychological Safety

    3. M1L3: The Neurobiological Underpinnings of Psychological Safety

    4. M1L4: What Psychological Safety is NOT

    5. M1L5: Why Psychological Safety Matters

    1. M2L1: Module Intro

    2. M2L2: A Symbiotic Relationship

    3. M2L3: Exploring Diversity

    4. M2L4: Equity vs. Equality

    5. M2L5: Activating Inclusion

    6. M2L6: Wrap Up

    1. M3L1: Module Intro

    2. M3L2: Self

    3. M3L3: Team

    4. M3L4: Organizational Context

    5. M3L5: External Environment

    6. M3L6: Poor Leadership Practices

    7. M3L7: Comfort

    8. M3L8: Threatening Beliefs

    1. M4L1: Module Intro

    2. M4L2: Committing to Psychological Safety

    3. M4L3: Identifying Your Values

    4. M4L4: Deepen Self Knowledge

    5. M4L5: Build Relationships

    6. M4L6: Systems and Structures

    1. M5L1: Module Intro

    2. M5L2: Gratitude and Praise

    3. M5L3: Growth Mindset

    4. M5L4: Embrace Conflict

    5. M5L5: Protect It

Course Details

  • $295.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

The Benefits of This Course

  • Deepen Self Knowledge

    Plunge into self-discovery with the support of our insight-driven reflection tools, profoundly enhancing your knowledge and confidence as a leader of psychologically safe teams.

  • Strengthen Relationships

    Take concrete steps to improve your ability to connect with your team members as individuals, as well as to promote a positive and collaborative culture at the team level.

  • Boost Confidence

    Increase innovation through the normalization and expectation of both risk-taking and failure.

  • Embrace Conflict

    Lean into constructive conflict and learn how to model effective communication for your team to weather those inevitable storms.

  • Adapt to Change

    Develop resilience and adaptability, empowering yourself to thrive in an ever-changing world.

  • Lead with Impactul

    Discover how to create, maintain, and lead a culture of psychological safety that inspires and motivates your team.

Meet Your Course Instructors

Juan Taveras, MBA, SPHR

CEO of DEI Pro Finder and Host of the “Inclusive Leader Spotlight” Podcast

Juan Taveras is a people-oriented Human Resources and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) professional with 18+ years of experience designing, orchestrating, and championing inclusive workplace initiatives that foster psychological safety, strengthen organizational alignment, and increase engagement. An advocate for the advancement of diversity, Juan has helped leaders create equitable and inclusive work environments by leveraging his keen understanding of the nuances and sensitivities involved in spearheading organizational-wide culture transformation. Juan is a highly engaged, intuitive, and collaborative leader who builds strong relationships at all levels, with a talent for advising and coaching leaders, gaining trust, and convening stakeholders to co-create vision and strategy. Juan’s unique blend of experiences and passion for the human resources profession make him an ideal partner for any leader looking to bring out the best in their team members.

Lauren Taveras, Psy.D.

Bilingual Licensed Clinical Psychologist and CEO of Coral Valley Psychological Services

Dr. Taveras is a Dominican American, Bilingual Licensed Clinical Psychologist and she is the founder of Coral Valley Psychological Services, a group practice dedicated to addressing the psychosocial concerns of individuals, couples, and families, with a special emphasis upon the Latino immigrant community. Dr. Taveras’ team at Coral Valley is comprised of bilingual, Latino and Latina clinicians who join her in offering evidence-based psychotherapy and psychological evaluation services for a variety of purposes, including immigration-related concerns. Coral Valley is also a practicum training site for doctoral student clinicians in partnership with the Northern Arizona University Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) program. Before becoming a mental health professional, Dr. Taveras was a dual language educator, instructional coach, and consultant in New York City public schools, during which time she also led a team of educators in the nonprofit sector.

Are you ready to elevate your team's performance?

Eliminate toxicity and cultivate a culture of psychological safety today!